Why Taking Care of Yourself is the Most Productive Thing You Can Do
Discover why self-care is essential for productivity and well-being. Learn how to prioritize yourself and move from survival mode to thriving mode.
Discover why self-care is essential for productivity and well-being. Learn how to prioritize yourself and move from survival mode to thriving mode.
Be brave enough to be bad at something new!Babe! This is hard for me too. Actually one of the hardest things for me is the pull between growing and being...
How does the word surrender make you feel? What kinds of feelings does it evoke? Do you feel release, letting go, stress free? Or do you feel like you are...
If you have a feeling that you should be doing something or ending something or saying something but you are waiting for a sign. A sign that is something outside...
Building the life of your dreams isn’t easy but it can be simpler than you think. First you have the dream, then you work hard but mostly you believe in...
I know that I do. I desire to be a woman that does life the way that feels good for me, not because it makes other people feel safe. You...
First let’s look at your goals, are they realistic and sustainable? It is going to be much more sustainable to make small changes that you can consistently stick with. So,...
I hope that you have made some time for fun this week. Joy, Play, Fun, Dancing. So as you are focused and crushing it with your big goals, make some...
Mmmm, did you feel that? You are so loved. You are so loved. This is often truer than we realise. We are loved by our family, friends, partners, pets but...
Be a voice, not an echo.Such a small set of words but babe do they ever have a big meaning.Choose to use your voice instead of letting the world or...
I’ve done it all to get ahead…and I got there, to the place that I thought that I wanted to go, when you think that if you keep ticking things...
This took me a third of my life to learn this, well, until after my 30th birthday. I was a doer. I still am but these days I do more...
What do you dream of? What does your soul want to do? What is on your vision board? I was lucky enough to have someone tell me this when I...
Are you feeling a bit sluggish? Are you wondering how you're going to do it all again at Christmas and still be fit enough to ski this winter or are...
You are the CEO of your life! Hire, fire and promote accordingly. It takes a lot of us a long time to really know this. Trust me you aren’t behind...
Matcha is an antioxidant heavy hitter. One of Matcha's major health benefits is that it delivers a mega dose of antioxidants in every sip. Matcha is packed with exponentially more...