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Dream Plan Do

I’ve spent days, seasons, months, years hustling. You might know my story, you might not but you get the general idea, because that is probably You too?


I’ve done it all to get ahead…and I got there, to the place that I thought that I wanted to go, when you think that if you keep ticking things off the to do list that this plus that equals happiness. The dream job, the lovely boyfriend, the adventurous lifestyle! But somewhere along the way, I needed more.


A little something extra.

A little more spontaneity.

A little more soul.

A little more creativity.

A little more….



A little luxury.

A big dream.

A new direction.

I fell in love with Matcha when it became one of my daily modern rituals, and I wanted to bring to you what I had, but mostly I just wanted to be more me and this felt like that.


I dove head first into the sexiness of it.

The possibility of it.

The playfulness of it!

The health benefits of it.

The clarity and nourishment of it.


I dove into doing something because I wanted to, because it lit me up and made me smile. It led to me exploring myself and becoming more of myself, the more myself I became, the more I wanted to be her! I loved her so much, even when she hurt or didn’t know what she was doing, I loved her. I loved her because she was honest about who she was, and who she was becoming. I was proud of her for taking the big scary leaps of faith and for loving herself.


I learnt to love myself.

To trust myself.

To forgive myself.

To choose again.


I learnt to just be me, 100% fully and completely and that is literal bliss. What started as Matcha turned into a journey into radical self-love.


Amelia xoxo

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